Key Policies
Lakeside Little Theatre (LLT) strives to provide a safe and inclusive environment in which artists, technicians and crafts people may freely express themselves and flourish in the shows in which they are involved. LLT is committed to the pursuit of an inclusive space that reflects the vibrant diversity of our community, where everyone is accepted and welcome, and where everyone is free from any form of abusive or hostile behavior or sexual harassment. This extends to activities both on and off LLT’s campus when engaged in LLT business.
In order to meet this goal, LLT’s Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Conduct which includes a Sexual Harassment/Misconduct Policy.
Code of Conduct
Reports of violations to this Code of Conduct can be made by:
All reports will be treated confidentially. Following an investigation, confirmed violations will be cause for removal of the violator(s) from a production and dismissal from future involvement with LLT.
Please note that this all volunteers and staff will be required to sign a Code of Conduct, confirming that the contents are understood and agreed to.
At Lakeside Little Theatre (LLT), trust is one of our greatest assets. Another is ethical and proper behavior toward each other. We rely on your sense of personal integrity to always Do the Right Thing.
Never underestimate the importance of your own ethical conduct in our mission to deliver top quality entertainment to our audiences. Ethical conduct includes ensuring that LLT is free from sexual harassment or misconduct.
Accordingly, LLT has adopted a policy against sexual harassment/misconduct and is providing the following information about sexual harassment/misconduct so that there can be no misunderstanding about what it means and what it includes. LLT firmly believes in fair treatment and does not tolerate sexual harassment/misconduct of any kind. LLT will remove anyone – patron, staff, crew, outside contractors or Board Members – found to be engaging in sexual misconduct or sexually harassing behavior. Moreover, this policy is incorporated in LLT’s Code of Conduct and is a “one strike and out” policy. There are no second chances.
What is Sexual Harassment/Misconduct?
Sexual harassment/misconduct is generally considered to be:
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
Unwelcome Behavior are the critical words. Unwelcome does not mean "involuntary." A victim may consent or agree to certain conduct and actively participate in it even though it is offensive and objectionable. Therefore, sexual conduct is unwelcome whenever the person subjected to it considers it unwelcome. Whether the person in fact welcomed a request for a date, sex-oriented comment, or joke depends on all the circumstances.
Sexual harassment includes many behaviors. Following are some verbal, non-verbal and physical examples. This list is not to be construed as complete or as the entirety of our Sexual Harassment/Misconduct policy.
· Pressuring for unwanted sexual favors.
· Sending or making unwanted letters, telephone calls, or materials of a sexual nature
· Pressuring for dates
· Teasing sexually, making or telling sexual jokes, remarks, stories or questions
· Referring to an adult as a girl, hunk, doll, babe, honey, or other such words
· Whistling at someone or making cat calls
· Making sexual comments about a person's body
· Making sexual comments or innuendos of any kind
· Turning work discussions to sexual topics
· Asking about sexual fantasies, preferences, or history
· Asking personal questions about social or sexual life
· Suggesting evening meetings in a private location, with or without alcohol
· Making kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips
· Making sexual comments about a person's clothing, anatomy, or looks
· Repeatedly asking out a person who is not interested
· Telling lies or spreading rumors about a person's personal sex life
· Looking a person up and down (elevator eyes)
· Staring at someone
· Blocking a person's path
· Following the person
· Giving personal gifts
· Displaying sexually suggestive visuals
· Making sexual looks or gestures with hands or through body movements
· Making facial expressions such as winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips
· Actual or attempted rape or sexual assault.
· Touching deliberately, leaning over, cornering, or pinching.
· Giving a massage around the neck or shoulders
· Touching the person's clothing, hair, or body
· Hugging, kissing, patting, or stroking
· Hanging around a person
· Touching or rubbing oneself sexually around another person
· Standing close or brushing up against another person
The behaviors outlined here have the potential to create a negative environment for individuals or groups. A person does not have to be a direct target to be adversely affected by a negative environment.
Creative atmospheres, such as those associated with live theatre, are not always "emotionally sanitary” – they can safely be bawdy, profane, vulgar, and challenging without creating a negative environment. Having (a) a practice of building consent and (b) an environment that allows for response to clear boundary violations can broaden a theatre's opportunity to be challenging and fearless in its work.
SEXISM is an attitude. It is an attitude of a person of one sex that he or she is superior to a person of the other sex.
SEX DISCRIMINATION is a behavior. It occurs when decisions are based on an associate’s sex or when an associate is treated differently because of his or her sex.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT is a behavior. It is defined as unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature.
SUBTLE SEXUAL HARASSMENT is a behavior but not a legal term. It is unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that if allowed to continue could create a QUID PRO QUO and/or a Hostile Environment for the recipient.
QUID PRO QUO HARASSMENT is when decisions for someone are based on that person’s acceptance or rejection of unwelcome sexual behavior.
HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT is an environment created by unwelcome sexual behavior or behavior directed at someone because of that person’s gender that is offensive, hostile and/or intimidating and that adversely affects that person’s ability to complete his or her tasks.
Important Note: The unwanted sexual advances will be defined by the recipient of such actions. If the recipient is uncomfortable or feels pressured, the offense will be considered to have occurred.
This policy has been created to protect against behaviors that are unwanted, create discomfort, or can be deemed as pressure to act in a way against a person’s nature. Simple rule: If an action or comment may make someone uncomfortable, don’t do it. Instead, Do the Right Thing.
LLT Investigations of Allegations of Sexual Harassment/Misconduct
Allegations of sexual harassment or misconduct may be brought to the attention of LLT by:
All such communications, whether verbal or written, will be kept in strict confidence and disclosed only to those involved in the investigation. LLT’s investigations of allegations of sexual harassment or misconduct will be thorough and will carefully follow the guidelines and instructions for investigating sexual harassment or misconduct complaints prepared by the Civil Rights Center of the U.S. Department of Labor (a copy of those guidelines and instructions is available for download here). The investigation team may include individuals independent of LLT. Upon conclusion of the investigation, all parties involved will be informed of the findings, conclusions and actions. LLT’s decisions are final.