Peggy, Ken, Candace
Peggy, Ken, Candace
Front: Ken, Kathleen; Next Collette, Ed, Michael; Next: Jayme, Tina, Douglas; Rear: Chet, Judy
Dave, Jacinta, Rich, Geoff
Jacinta, Rich
Dave, Rich
Rich, Jacinta
Jacinta, Dave, Rich
Set - bedroom
Set - bedroom
Set - restaurant
Jacinta, Dave
Jacinta, Rich
Rich, Geoff, Dave
Rich, Jacinta
Sinderella is presented in the British Pantomime tradition (an old-time musical melodrama with audience participation).
You've never seen this classic fairy tale done THIS way!
Cast: Rogrido Lael (Court Pianist), Paul Kloegman (Buttons), Fred Koesling (Baron Hard-up), Patricia Guy (Baroness Hard-up), Ann Loebach (Loosy), Wendy Petersen (Goosy), Peter Luciano (King Charming), Catherine Gonzales (Queen Charming), Gred Clarke (Dandini) Gabriel Casillas (Prince Charming), Rob Stupple (Gossamer), Amaranta Santos (Sinderella)
Company: Connie Davis, Jutta McAdam, Margaret Presutti (Hard-Up Servants); Judy McKinnon, Graham Miller, Garry Peerless (Royal Servants); Allyson deJong, Catherine Huff, Heather Hunter, Abril Iniguez (Goblins); Dana Douin (Neil Diamond)
Front: Greg, Ann, Amy, Avril, Gavo, Kathleen, Wendy; Rear: Catherine, Peter, Garry, Catherine, Paul, Jutta, Patricia, Judy, Graham, Margaret, Allyson, Fred
Wendy, Ann as the Ugly Sisters
Ann & Wendy, with Sherolyn Costumes Mistress
Front: Greg, Amaranta, Heather, Avril, Gavo, Rodrigo; Middle: Connie, Patricia, Wendy, Ann, Allyson, Catherine, Peter, Catherine, Graham, Judy; Rear: Jutta, Margaret, Paul, Rob, Fred, Dana, Garry
Ken, Kenneth, Beryel, with Tina in front
Tina, Ken, Kenneth, Beryel
Front: Kathleen; Next: Avril, Bill, Deb, Gavo; Next: Jutta, Fred, Clay, Greg, Jose
Kathleen, Bill, Roger, Deb
(Director Dave's arm), Kathleen, Bill, Roger, Deb
Kathleen, Bill, Roger, Deb
Kathleen, Bill, Roger, Deb
Lynn, Sharon, Georgette, Patsi, Candace
On the sofa: Patsi, Graham, Georgette, Sharon; Behind: Lynn, Candace