Written by Joe DiPietro
Directed by Collette Clavadetscher - Director's Notes here
Stage Manager Debra Bowers
Assistant Stage Manager Sheron Brackenbury
September 14 - 23, 2018
A light-hearted, laugh-filled story of long-term love and marriage, for better ... and for worse. Well-crafted - comfort food for theatre-goers!
A mother always knows when something is wrong. When Alice notices her beloved husband, Bill, has returned home on edge after a tennis match with their son, she grows suspicious and springs into action. Determined to piece together the puzzle, she invites her son, Billy, and daughter-in-law, Jane, over for drinks and dessert. Sidesplitting chaos ensues as Alice digs for the truth, resulting in even more honesty than anyone expected.
Cast: Zane Pumiglia (Bill), Barbara Pruitt (Alice), M.A. Bruneau (Jane) and Donny Bryant (Billy).
Selected Reviews:
“…good old-fashioned comfort food for theatergoers…that offer[s] a blend of comedy and sentiment, with maybe just a hint of a sting.” — New York Times
“DiPietro is so clean—except for the occasional F-bomb—that it’s refreshing…he’s at his best when keeping us in the dark about whether the tale being told is real or one big ballsy lie…the fun is who knows what first, the audience or the people onstage.” —The Wrap
Clever Little Lies was generously underwritten by Georgette Richmond, in memory of Pat Carroll.
Barbara, Zane
Donny, M.A.
Donny, Zane
M.A., Donny
Zane, Donny
Barbara, Zane, Donny, M.A.
Written by David Auburn
Directed by Randy Warren -
Director's Notes here
Assistant Directors: Johan Dirkes, Suki O'Brien
Stage Manager JeanMarie Harmon
October 19 - 28, 2018
Cast before rehearsals started
Wayne, Devin
Wayne, Collette
Tony, Devin
Tony, Devin
Cast getting ready to go on stage
Wayne, Devin, Collette
Tony, Devin, Wayne
Wayne, Devin
Written by Michael Frayn
Directed by Dave McIntosh -
Director's Notes here
Assisted, coached and guided by Ann Swiston
Stage Manager Win McIntosh
November 30 - December 9, 2019
Front: Suki, Mark, Pamela, Linda, Wayne. Rear: Taylor, Donna, Keith, Fred
Front: Pamela, Suki, Mark. Rear: Taylor, Donna, Wayne, Keith, Linda, Fred
Front: Pamela, Keith, Taylor, Fred. Rear: Wayne, Mark, Linda, Suki, Donna
The construction crew, who eventually, mostly, turned the set.
Set from the rear
Pondering the set, befor rehearsal
Official Set portrait
Written by Henrik Ibsen, Adapted by Richard Eyre
Directed by Peter King -
Director's Notes here
Assistant Director Susan Quiriconi
Stage Manager Margo Eberly
January 11 – 20, 2019
Rain Wall
Rain Wall
Ken, Johanna, Monnie, Roger
Monnie, Ken, Johanna, Roger
Monnie, Ken, Johanna, Roger
Ken, Monnie, Roger, Johanna
Written by Nick Payne
Directed by Neal Checkoway -
Director's Notes here
Stage Manager Debra Bowers; Producer Shellie Checkoway
February 15 - 24, 2019
Front: Kelly, John. Next: Jill, Judy, Patricia. Next: Todd, Mark, Emily, Bruce. Next: Russell, Rob, David. Missing: Gloria, Johan
Front Row – Jill Flyer, David Dennis, Judy Long, Emily Crocker, Patricia Guy; Next Row – Todd Pifer, Mark Donaldson, Kelly Mills, Russell Mack, Bruce Stanley; Back Row – Rob Stupple, John Ward. Missing: Gloria Bryen, Johan Dirkes
David, Patricia, Rob, John
Mark, Russell
Mark, John, Russell
Book by Neil Simon, Music by Cy Coleman
Lyrics by Dorothy Fields
Directed by Barbara Clippinger -
Director's Notes here
Music Direction by Patteye Simpson
Choreography by Alexis Hoff, Val Jones, Cortlandt Jones, Barbara Clippinger
Stage Manager Sandy Topazio, Producer Michael McGrath
March 22 – April 2, 2019
Early cast & Directors
Patteye, Barb & Alexis
Cast & Crew
Full cast with all the directors
Dancers all!
Dancers, missing Charity
Barry, Kristine, Florette, Doug
Doug, Florette, Flemming, Barbara, Alexis, Kristine, Barry
Full cast & Crew
Patteye, Barbara & Alexis