The Same Deep Water As Me is a black, satirical comedy brimming with snappy dialogue and quirky situations reminiscent of such David Mamet works as Glengarry Glen Ross and American Buffalo and populated by the same class of morality-bending characters. The play tells the story of a pair of low-end, personal injury attorneys - you know, the kind whose marquee clients include a man who cuts himself shaving and a woman whose boobs explode. From their small office in the working-class town where both grew up, the pair struggle to stay afloat while barely maintaining a livelihood, not to mention their sanity and dignity.
The Samuel Becket-like absurdity presented here is a darkly-comic, cautionary tale about how we choose to be victims or villains in a post-truth, alternative-facts world, where as Dickens might say, the law is still an ass.
Nick Payne is a prolific, young British playwright whose works have been featured on stages from London's West End to Broadway as well as on the Hollywood screen. But today, Lakeside Little Theatre plays host to the North American premiere of The Same Deep Water As Me.
I am particularly gratified to be working with an amazingly-talented cast, replete with veterans and newcomers who, along with a dedicated-and-tireless crew, have toiled diligently to bring you this contemporary slice-of-life. I hope you enjoy it and, like me, find both the humor and the pathos running through it.